Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Maybe white trash america should be a bit afraid?

My last patient today told me she moved back to good ol' Montany from the south because "there were too many black people there." Maybe she saw the expression on my face, so she added in "too much crime...too many drugs."

Here's a video of my childhood hero (Pete Seeger, not Bruce Springsteen)...and so watching this tonight I am thinking...oh yeah, maybe all those filled with intolerance and hatred for those different than themselves...maybe all the those who seek to make themselves feel better by putting down another, whether because of race, gender or whatever...maybe they should be a teeny tiny bit afraid, because believe it or not...we are gonna rock your world.

Here's the love, y'all:

May the new prez and his wife have a long life, filled with love!

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