Sunday, February 24, 2008

As the saying goes...or will I ever get it???

As the saying goes, "just as water never collects on top of a mountain peak, true worth never collects on top of the crag of pride."

"Don't follow the object of hatred; look at the angry mind.
Anger, liberated by itself as it arises, is the clear void;

The clear void is none other than mirrorlike wisdom."

Never think that any tiny act is insignificant just because it is so small, for the least negative action can set off a devastating chain o
f consequences, in the same way that a single minute spark can set fire to an entire forest. Conversely just as a slight trickle of water quickly fills a large pitcher, when one small positive action is added to many others the accumulated effect soon becomes substantial.

Precious and revered teacher, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Like the earth and the pervading elements,
Enduring like the sky itself endures,
For boundless multitudes of living beings,
May I be their ground and sustenance.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Little seed in a big pile of dirt

OK...mental health day at the clinic, and I am driving home dreaming about my little fresh grapefruit special with a splash of Kettle One. Then I started thinkin' about who makes the laws that dictate what is legal and what ain't??? Like why should something as toxic as ETOH be legal, when other substances are not?

How arbitrary is our freedom...and our mental health? Who makes the rules and who enforces them? In another time I could have been burned for being a midwife, imprisoned for fighting against Diablo Canyon, stabbed for being gay, fired for fighting for basic human rights in a system that denies our human-ness...and much more that I can't even write about.

I look at my wrinkled, old hands and think of all the dirt these hands have been in...digging to plant something that may sprout beauty and nourishment in a dismal world, somehow hoping that this dirt can grow what we need to survive, if we can just keep planting the seeds, watering the soil and believing in that process... and remind each other of this constantly...this love...this little seed in a big pile of dirt...

And besides that, Milou finally figured out how to jump up on my bed, so I don't have to help her up anymore. And my little, beautiful granddaughtie sang me a song about the four oceans and the seven (7, right?) continents and spelled Titanic all on her own. How awesome is that?

Sunday, February 17, 2008

If you ever see a grizzly dancing on a hillside,

it's probably chasing ground squirrels...
as Chieko would say: "You know what that means?"

Check out Chieko's and Pam's blogs and is truly eerie.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Silver Suit Good to Me

You better be good to me...

Last Sunday I ragged on Tom Petty...this Sunday, Tina Turner rocks in her silver suit...maybe some rock stars age better than others? (duh) So Chiki just called to say that every single song on this year's Grammy's has been on some song mix she has done this year...right on to the coolest mom this side of the Rockies. (Hey what side of the Rockies are we on anyway?)

Foo Fighters don't believe in AIDS...? Direct quote from 2 minutes ago: "If we're gonna see sucky bands from when I was in high school, couldn't it be Guns 'n Roses?...Axel Rose doesn't have to stuff his shorts."

And is country music so desperate some dude has to sing about checking for ticks???

Hey, you better be good to me.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

There is a King in Thailand

An old friend calls to say there was a study done recently that says that Livingston, Montana, has the highest rate of pain of ANY place in the USA.

First of was that determined?
Second of we really a need a frickin' study to tell us that???

Today it is this song in my is the last stanza:
On the beach Joe tries to listen
To the heartbeat of a whale
How it echoes his own heartbeat
And the distance he has sailed
Oh the distance he has sailed
My name Joe my name Joe
There is a king in Thailand
And he plays the jazz drum
He has a fine and healthy son
Oh no I'm not the one
My name Joe

Dreaming of a warm, white sand beach in Thailand...where the women are beautiful and so are the men and the food is good and there is a place to rest in every home and every heart. What a long, cold winter we have had...there is a king in Thailand...

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Who likes Tom Petty?

How mainstream and boring can music f----ing get?
We are watching the SUPERBOWL M-O-M!
Anyway, I would rather see Janet Jackson bare her boobs than watch this crap.
Direct quote from two minutes ago "these guys should be in a retirement home" and just now "they are like totally in diapers".
I personally think Justin Timberlake has a lot more to offer the world with his SNL "bleep in a box" than TP having an MI with all those young juggle boobs flirting with him.
Well, Justin Timberlake is hot and Tom Petty has needed a haircut since before I was born.
Bless his heart, and yours, too!
Go Giants!!!!!!!

Cheeks and me watching the SB after porking out on Ruffles and sour cream dip. (me that is, obviously)

It's damn hard to keep up with all this bloggin'...but I'm gonna try

I work with the most awe-inspiring and amazing people in the world! Not only are they smart, kind, hard working and fun, they are also the most stylin' women I know (besides, of course, my totally awesome, stylin' daughter, Chiki).

Above are Pam and Barb flirting with my MacBook while I am probably doing one of the following things:
  1. Trying the unplug the toilet that Pam just used
  2. Looking for chocolate
  3. Seeing a totally depressed client
  4. Worrying about my puppy freezing her ass off in my truck because I got banned from bringing my pets to the clinic
  5. Seeing a suicidal patient
  6. Looking for my chapstick
  7. Doing an STD check
  8. Trying to figure out if the wind really is responsible for all the mental illness in Livingston
  9. Seeing if I can buy coffee for someone so they will go and get some for me (yes, I know, not truly generous, am I?)
  10. Seeing a homicidal patient, whose life was so wrecked by fucked-up parents, our penal system and bullies, that I am beginning to feel homicidal
  11. Searching the medical dictionary for the term "dowager's hump"
  12. Searching for where Colleen hid my RX pad
  13. Trying to get someone, anyone, in medical records to do their job, which is to find my chapstick
  14. ____________________________________________
    (your turn...)