I work with the most awe-inspiring and amazing people in the world! Not only are they smart, kind, hard working and fun, they are also the most stylin' women I know (besides, of course, my totally awesome, stylin' daughter, Chiki).
Above are Pam and Barb flirting with my MacBook while I am probably doing one of the following things:
- Trying the unplug the toilet that Pam just used
- Looking for chocolate
- Seeing a totally depressed client
- Worrying about my puppy freezing her ass off in my truck because I got banned from bringing my pets to the clinic
- Seeing a suicidal patient
- Looking for my chapstick
- Doing an STD check
- Trying to figure out if the wind really is responsible for all the mental illness in Livingston
- Seeing if I can buy coffee for someone so they will go and get some for me (yes, I know, not truly generous, am I?)
- Seeing a homicidal patient, whose life was so wrecked by fucked-up parents, our penal system and bullies, that I am beginning to feel homicidal
- Searching the medical dictionary for the term "dowager's hump"
- Searching for where Colleen hid my RX pad
- Trying to get someone, anyone, in medical records to do their job, which is to find my chapstick
- ____________________________________________
(your turn...)
14. Trying to find testosterone cream for me to rub on my dowager's hump.
I am now registered on facebook but the link you sent didn't get me to your page.
Also, I think you should paste the PQ onto to your blog and tag someone else to do it.
Barb and I are actually posing for the cover of our new record album. We're an emo/punk-girl band called sugar finger and we most closely resemble a cross between the Indigo Girls and 7 year bitch. We have a hit single called Fuck em and Run and we'll be touring this spring.
There is not a thing about you two that resembles the IG...love them though I do, my daughtie bowled with them while on tour...and you two are much hotter...How do I tag someone else to do the PQ thing. I am totally knew to this stuff.
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