Sunday, February 24, 2008

As the saying goes...or will I ever get it???

As the saying goes, "just as water never collects on top of a mountain peak, true worth never collects on top of the crag of pride."

"Don't follow the object of hatred; look at the angry mind.
Anger, liberated by itself as it arises, is the clear void;

The clear void is none other than mirrorlike wisdom."

Never think that any tiny act is insignificant just because it is so small, for the least negative action can set off a devastating chain o
f consequences, in the same way that a single minute spark can set fire to an entire forest. Conversely just as a slight trickle of water quickly fills a large pitcher, when one small positive action is added to many others the accumulated effect soon becomes substantial.

Precious and revered teacher, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Like the earth and the pervading elements,
Enduring like the sky itself endures,
For boundless multitudes of living beings,
May I be their ground and sustenance.

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